unFIX Visual MS with Product Area Turfs
Case Studies Jens Thiemann Case Studies Jens Thiemann

unFIX Visual MS with Product Area Turfs

Visual MS is a Spanish business software development group with 114 employees organizing with different Product Type Turfs and scaling up via bases, leagues, and a crowd.

Exploring the application of unFIX patterns in the structure and dynamics of Visual MS group. Visual MS highlights the importance of psychological safety and the sense of belonging, two fundamental aspects in unFIX, creating a special synergy of the model with the organization.

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Who let the dogs out?
Case Studies Jan-Paul Ouwerkerk Case Studies Jan-Paul Ouwerkerk

Who let the dogs out?

When Jakob Hirn and Olaf Hermann were working together in quite a big “Corporate” company they tried pioneering “agile ways of workings”. But working together with 750 other engineers spread over different countries and using quite some digital tools was quite challenging. After a few years, they concluded that if only their teams were working “agile” it didn't make any sense. So their drive to work in a different way sparked a new adventure: Why not start for ourselves and build something from the ground up?

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unFIXing a Swiss insurance company
Case Studies Jan-Paul Ouwerkerk Case Studies Jan-Paul Ouwerkerk

unFIXing a Swiss insurance company

The Swiss Re Group is one of the world's leading providers of reinsurance, insurance, and other forms of insurance-based risk transfer, working to make the world more resilient. The aim of the Swiss Re Group is to enable society to thrive and progress, creating new opportunities and solutions for its clients.

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Coolblue Unfixed (Case Study of a Scale-up)
Case Studies The unFIX Company Case Studies The unFIX Company

Coolblue Unfixed (Case Study of a Scale-up)

How does a fast-growing scale-up organize its teams, management, and business units? What does it mean to have agility embedded in company culture? How can you make everything an experiment? Check out the Coolblue case study and learn what you can do to become the next two-billion euro scale-up.

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